Shete Boka National Park – “Seven Inlets”

Shete Boka National Park: An Impressive Experience

Shete Boka means “seven inlets” in Papiamento. With scenic inlets the rugged coastline is dramatic and wild. The incessantly crashing waves have sculptured the coral rock into fascinating natural works art.

Boka Tabla

The most well-known and favorite inlet for visitors is Boka Tabla, where you can descend a natural rock stairway (take care, it’s very slippery) to view an an arched opening that looks out on the sea like a giant eye. The cove of Boka Tabla is located closest to the parking area.

10 Pocket Beaches

Founded in 1994, the 200 hectares (500 acres) nature park includes spectacular views of a rocky wind-blown and wave-exposed sea coast as well as 10 pocket beaches where 3 species of sea turtles are known to lay their eggs.

Opening Hours & Fees

The park is open every day of the week from 09.00 –17.00 hrs.
Entrance to the park costs Naf. 10 per person (US$5.50) and maps are also available at the entrance.
Locals have a special entrance fee of Naf. 3 per person. To apply for this fee it is required to show a valid sedula.
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